We don't approve all posts that are submitted to our Facebook group... here are some of the reasons.
Why was my post declined?
North Shore Mums has been created for local mums on Sydney's North Shore to connect, share advice, recommendations and support, to discuss local issues, dilemmas and to have a laugh.
It's not a group where you can sell items. It's not a group for promoting your business (though we do have a dedicated bi-monthly Business Hour where advertisers can post an ad). It's not a group for selling or renting your home. It's not a group where you can vent your frustrations about a person or business.
If your post isn't approved, we will 'decline with feedback' - and select the rule that will indicate why it was declined.
Click here to read our detailed Group Guidelines.
You can also read the rules on our Facebook group too.
Why was my anonymous post declined?
Anonymous posts are only for questions that are highly sensitive and it is understandable why the poster wouldn't want to be identified.
We will only approve posts that truly need to be anonymous. With thousands of members in our online community, we receive a huge number of anonymous post requests, so we do need to be selective about the posts that we choose to publish.
We will only approve posts that are sensitive in nature (for example, early pregnancy, mental illness, financial advice, relationship issues), but not the ones that contain information that most of us that most of us have to deal with (such as toilet training, child sleep issues, photographer recommendations).
We will not post any medical questions that can be answered by a discussion with your GP. If in doubt, ALWAYS see a doctor.
We won't approve anonymous posts if you just want to criticise someone or something, to vent, or if you're just feeling a bit shy.