What should a Business Hour post contain?

To ensure you get the results you want, there's a few things you need to know about your Business Hour post.

All Business Hour posts should include:

  • Company name— This is essential! It is needed so our members know what company the ad is for, and the North Shore Mums moderators can check to ensure you are an advertiser. The post will not be approved if the name doesn’t match any businesses in our advertising records.
  • Description – an engaging and exciting description of your business's services, as well as any special promotions. You are competing with lots of other business posts during this hour, so make it personal, exciting and valuable to make people want to stop and read your post.
  • Link – a link to your website or social media pages
  • Contact details – email or mobile
  • One image OR one video – posts should include one photo or video (only). This could be your business logo or a collage of products, whatever you choose. Posts with multiple images will be deleted, as they cause issues on the newsfeed. You can also upload a short video or link it to YouTube.

Business Hour posts should NOT include

  1. Do not ask people to comment on the post – this unfairly bumps your post to the top of the page at the expense of other businesses. This includes:
    • Asking for feedback on a new idea
    • Giving away a free sample
    • Running a competition
  2. Job ads are not allowed. If you want to advertise a job to North Shore Mums, you can do so via the Job Board. Once posted, you can share the link with our group anytime.

Tips for a Business Hour post

Now that you've sorted out the basics, you'll want to ensure your Business Hour post stands out from the rest and gets long-term results! Read the tips.