To prevent the group becoming taken over by ads, we have strict rules about self-promotion.
Our Facebook group is a place for mums to connect, not for businesses to self-promote!
Business Hour
The only time that business posts are allowed is during our bi-monthly Business Hour, which is held in our Facebook Group on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 8-9pm.
In order to post during Business Hour, you must:
- Have a listing in the North Shore Mums Directory. Click here to list. OR
- Have done other advertising on our website within the last 6 months. Click here to download our Media Kit to explore the options.
Click here to find out about how Business Hour works.
Do you want to suggest yourself as a supplier for a product or service?
If a member is asking for recommendations for a local business, you are only allowed to suggest your own business if:
- You advertise on the North Shore Mums website. We have implemented this policy to give more support to the businesses that support our community and
- It is a current post (posts that have been active in the last 24 hours). Please don’t search for older posts and comment on them.
Contain your response to just one comment, with all the information in that – response, contact details, and image.
TOP TIP: Please include a link to your listing in the directory so that our moderators can easily check that you advertise (and that it isn't mistakenly deleted).
Do you want to recommend a business in response to a post?
Sure! You need to be a real customer who has no other personal or professional affiliation with that company.
To ensure that any recommendations made in the group are trustworthy and genuine, you can only recommend a business if you have personally used it and do not have a personal (friend or family) or business relationship (employee, contractor, networking group) with that business.
Please note:
- If it becomes evident that a member is always recommending the same business and it is obvious they are connected, then these posts will be deleted, and the member warned.
- If we are informed that any member receives financial compensation for making a recommendation, the member will be removed and blocked from the group.
- If you are aware of any members who recommend businesses with whom they have a personal or professional relationship or receive a reward or incentive, please contact us.
Want to share an incredible experience with the group?
If you’ve had an incredible experience with a local business and want to endorse or recommend them to the group, you are welcome to do so during Business Hour (1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 8-9 p.m.).
We limit it to Business Hour, as it is not possible for admin to verify whether it is a genuine, unprompted recommendation from a new client or someone affiliated with the business and looking to promote themselves.
Want another way to support them? Check to see if the business has a listing in the North Shore Mums Directory, and leave them a testimonial there!
Multi-level Marketing Companies
Due to the financial model used by Multi-Level Marketing companies (such as Isagenix, Arbonne, Herbalife, Avon etc), no posts are allowed under any circumstances.
Members who work for MLM companies are not allowed to promote or sell their products or company in response to posts or to send unsolicited private messages to members.
Other Policies
- Discreet business posts are not allowed. This includes posting photos of something you are proud of but are in the business of selling, it includes thank you to those that use your product or service and it may include asking people’s opinions about something you sell.
- Business ‘baiting’ or research posts are not allowed – such as questions about how to market your business, how much you should charge for your services, whether people would be interested in your service.
- If you run a blog or website, you are not permitted to share links or copy and paste excerpts from articles in the group. Bloggers are welcome to post a free ad during Business Hour.