Who is allowed to post during Business Hour?

You need to advertise your business on our website to post during the North Shore Mums Facebook group Business Hour.

How can I become an advertiser so I can post during Business Hour?

If you advertise your business on the North Shore Mums website, you can post during Business Hour! This advertising can be:

  • A current listing in the North Shore Mums Directory or
  • Any other advertising campaign within the last 12 months (e.g. banner advertising, promotion, e-newsletter, annual guide, advertorial).

You must also be a member of our Facebook group to post. If you're not a North Shore Mum, you can ask an employee, colleague, family member, or friend to post on your behalf. Find out more.

Can I post during Business Hour if I'm not an advertiser?

To support local charities and not-for-profit organisations, we also allow posts from: 

  • Not-for-profit Facebook page or group
  • Not-for-profit organisations (e.g. playgroups)
  • Charities

What profile can I use to post?

  • You can only post during Business Hour from your personal profile.
  • You cannot submit the post as an 'anoymous post'. These will be declined.
  • You cannot post from your business profile. Business profiles are not allowed to join North Shore Mums Facebook group.