What is Business Hour & how does it work?

Business Hour is an extra opportunity for businesses who advertise on our website to promote themselves to our Facebook group.

When is Business Hour?

The North Shore Mums Business Hour is held in the Facebook group on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8-9pm.

Early posts are accepted from 4pm (and approved during the dedicated hour). Click here to get an email reminder at 4pm on the day!

Who can post during Business Hour?

During this dedicated hour, members who advertise on the North Shore Mums website are invited to post a free ad about their business. Business Hour posts can only be from your personal profile (not business page or anonymous posts).

How do I post during Business Hour?

  1. Go to the North Shore Mums Facebook Group (you must be a member first)
  2. Click ‘Add Photo/Video’ and upload upload ONE image (only)
  3. Write a post to promote your business (see tips below)
  4. Click ‘post’.

What should a Business Hour post contain?

Business posts should include the following:

  • Company name – Absolutely essential! This isn’t just needed so our members know what company the ad is for, it’s also so the North Shore Mums moderators can check to make sure you are an advertiser. If the name doesn’t match any businesses in our advertising records, the post will not be approved.
  • Description – an engaging and exciting description about what your business offers, and any special offers. You are competing with lots of other business posts during this hour, so make it personal, interesting and valuable to make people want to stop and read your post.
  • Link – a link to your website or social media pages
  • Contact details – email or mobile
  • One image OR one video – posts should include one image or video (only). This could be your business logo or a collage of products, whatever you choose. Posts with multiple images will be deleted, as they cause issues on the newsfeed. You can also upload a short video or link it to YouTube.

Are there any rules?

We have a few rules to ensure things run smoothly and remain fair for everyone. 

  1. Advertisers only – Business Hour is only for members who advertise on the North Shore Mums website.
  2. Do not ask people to comment on the post – If you are giving away a free sample or running a competition, please ask people to enter via your website or Facebook page, as it unfairly bumps the post.
  3. No bumping – don’t artificially ‘bump’ your post by commenting with a random fact. However, if someone asks you a direct question, you can reply.
  4. Do not PM members who have shown interest but have not invited contact – never send a message to a member unless they have specifically asked you to contact them with more information. Unsolicited messages are considered SPAM and will do more damage than good. If members want more information, they can contact you first.
  5. Job ads are not allowed. You can only share a job role during Business Hour if it is currently listed on the North Shore Mums Job Board. You must share the link to the listing on the North Shore Mums Job Board for approval. Click here to list a role on the Job Board.
  6. No anonymous posts. For transparency and trust, a real personal profile must be behind the Business Hour post. Anonymous posts are only for sensitive issues, and not for Business Hour.

How can I become an advertiser so I can post during Business Hour?

List your business in our Directory

A listing in our Directory is an affordable & accessible entry-level advertising option for most businesses. 

If you want to post during Business Hour but haven’t yet advertised on our website, get started by listing in the North Shore Mums Directory. Give it a try! You can cancel at any time. Click here for more details.

Don't leave it to the last minute! We recommend creating your Directory listing at least 24 hours before Business Hour, in case you run into any technical issues. Business Hour is always a very busy time for our moderators, so we cannot assist you or answer personal questions during this time.

Book an advertising campaign

We offer many other advertising options that give your business excellent exposure across the North Shore Mums platform - like banner advertising, promotions, advertorials, e-newsletter & Facebook packages.

You are eligible to post if you have run an advertising campaign with North Shore Mums in the last 12 months. 

Click here for more details & to download our Media Kit.